For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the Government will be on His shoulder.
And His name will be called WONDERFUL COUNSELOR! Isaiah 9:6
Compassionate Coaching for Life’s Deepest Struggles
My mission is to walk with you through life’s toughest seasons. With years of experience helping individuals heal from grief, and personal struggles, I offer compassionate, non-judgmental coaching to help you find clarity, peace, and purpose to walk closer with God.
At Yielded Life Coaching, we provide compassionate, faith-based guidance to help you navigate life’s toughest challenges. No matter where you are in your journey, there is hope, healing, and a new beginning waiting for you.
Finding healing after the loss of a loved one.
Learning how to control emotions and respond calmly.
Overcoming destructive patterns with guidance and support.
Rebuilding self-worth and confidence.
Moving forward with strength and purpose.
Practical steps to regain motivation and hope.
Have a unique struggle? Let’s discuss how I can help.
📅 Book a free consultation today and take the first step toward healing.
📅 Book a free consultation today and take the first step toward healing.
Let’s talk about your challenges and goals.
We create a roadmap tailored to your needs.
Weekly sessions to help you regain control and confidence.
"Gave me the tools and support"
"I was drowning in grief after losing my loved one. Working with Coach’s Troy Goens gave me the tools and support I needed to heal."
- Amanda
"My life changed forever"
"This coaching experience changed my life. I finally feel free from my past struggles."
- Rex
Start with a free consultation to see how we can help.
Start with a free consultation to see how we can help.
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